Catechetical Ministries

Catechetical ministries focus on sharing God’s Word with others. This can be through set curriculums, like our children’s ministry, or in less formal settings like Home Groups.

If you like working with children, perhaps you would consider joining our Catechesis Team. Our recently-introduced tandem teaching method has proved very effective: each class is taught by two leaders, effectively halving the responsibility and allowing more flexibility for time off and sick leave. Catechesis classes are age specific and may focus on preparation for certain sacraments, such as Confirmation.

By contrast, Home Group Leaders are free to share God’s Word in whatever way best suits them and their group. They open their home to the Lord by inviting friends and family to participate in fellowship, prayer and study. Most groups meet once a week for a few hours, but there is no hard and fast rule. Leaders meet two or three times a year to touch base, share ideas and offer support.