Gallery: 40 Hours Devotion

From Friday 28 October until Sunday 30 October, our parish observed a Forty Hours Devotion, a beautiful and solemn time of prayer in which the Blessed Sacrament is continuously exposed on the alter. From the opening Mass on Friday evening, until the close at 17:30 on Sunday, parishioners were invited to attend either the scheduled events, or spend quiet time in prayer and contemplation. For many, it was a deeply moving experience. The reverence of the altar, the candles throughout the night and the peacefulness of the church create a special opportunity to be with the Lord.

Here is what some people had to say about the weekend:

“This year was my first experience of the 40 Hours Devotion and I can truly say it touched my soul more than I or any great writer could ever put into words. It allowed me the joyous opportunity for spiritual growth, it is truly a grace-filled opportunity. I encourage you to spend a period of time at our next 40 Hours Devotion, that you may also feel the graces which I have. Thank you St Bernadette’s and the Oratory Fathers for the beautiful weekend.”

“I was exhausted by the time it came to my prayer slot, since I was there since 17:30, and because I was up at 3am for other reasons. So, while sitting in all sorts of positions to stay awake, I asked Our Lord to please forgive me for being so inattentive. All of a sudden, the face of my terminally ill family member appeared to me. I thought this was strange because I wasn’t thinking of him at that moment. But instead of praying for his healing I prayed for the forgiveness of his sins, which I found a strange thing to do in that moment.
When I got home my family was fast asleep and I went to bed too. However, in the morning, my husband informed that our ill family member had passed away during the night, at exactly the moment I was concluding my prayer time in the church, praying for the forgiveness of his sins.  
So, yes the Lord works in mysterious ways. But I am just grateful that I was able to pray for him during his last hour here with us; the next day at Adoration I prayed again for his soul.
The 40 Hours Devotion was amazing, awesome, and I cant really put it in words. Know that all the effort the priests and all assistants put in to make this weekend a success has been noted and I lift all of you up to our Lord. God willing, next year my family will be part of the team.” 

“Our St Bernadette’s was a beautiful place of worship for the outstanding 40 Hours Devotion and will always be our favourite church. Thanks be to our dearly beloved Lord for the unity shared. Reciting the rosary and Divine Mercy as well as our prayers for our families and all in need. It was such a peaceful and prayerful time and we also prayed for peace and unity. The many candles on the altar and around the sacred body of Jesus was beautiful. Thanks to all our priests, altar servers, flower arrangers (beautiful arrangements), the choir, organist and all involved. May God bless St Bernadette’s and may our parish keep growing.”

Thank you to all those who attended, organised or assisted in making the weekend such a special and memorable event.