Liturgical Ministries

What are Liturgical Ministries?

Any assistance with the carrying out of Mass is a liturgical ministry. From greeting people at the door to setting up for Mass, arranging the flowers, singing, to proclaiming the Word (reading), it is all about being involved with every aspect of the Mass. 

Our hospitality team are the friendly faces you see at the door before Mass. During COVID, they have also been responsible for sanitising and seating people. Ushers usually work in teams of 2 on a rotational basis once a month. Their duties include unlocking doors, opening windows, handing out leaflets and welcoming visitors. No specific training is required but work shadow is a great way to learn the ropes.

Sacristans prepare the sanctuary before and after Holy Mass. They lay out the vestments, turn on the sound system and light the candles. Duties are on a rotational basis, usually once a month. Sacristans usually work alone, but work shadow with a more experienced sacristan is the best way to learn. 

There are always fresh flowers in the church for Mass. Special occasions such as Easter and Christmas may require more special arrangements. Flower arrangers follow a schedule of their own choosing, often working alone. It requires a few hours of commitment every month, as flowers need to be purchased and replaced every few weeks. A certain level of skill is required but our team of arrangers are always willing to assist those who are keen to learn.

The choir sings at Holy Mass on Sunday mornings, with practise sessions during the week. If you have a talent for this particular service, please consider signing up! 

The repository is the little bookshop at the back the church (just off the foyer) that is open after most Sunday Masses. All that is required is a willingness to open up the shop, facilitate a few purchases, then close it up afterwards. 

The reading of sacred scripture is an important part of the Mass. It isn’t difficult but requires a certain amount of reverence and responsibility. Applicants are auditioned and successful candidates will receive training. Readers serve on a rotational basis, usually once a month. 

Extraordinary Ministers of the Church assist the priest during Mass by distributing the Holy Eucharist to the Faithful.  They also offer Communion at home for the sick. Participation in this service is by invitation of the parish priest; ministers are specially trained and commissioned to perform this sacred task. If you would like to find out more about this specialised ministry, please kindly contact the parish office.

Once a child has received the sacrament of First Holy Communion, they are eligible to become an altar server at Holy Mass. There is no limit to the age of servers however. A certain amount of training is required, as alter servers must be familiar with the order of the Mass and the requirements of the priest, particularly in the preparation of the Holy Eucharist. Altar servers usually work in teams of two or three.