Novena for Saint Philip Neri

In preparation for the Solemnity of our Holy Father St Philip, the solemn annual Novena begins in our church this Saturday 18 May. On weekday evenings (starting Monday 20th) from 17:30 to 18:00 we will meet for prayers and chant in honour of our Saint, including a stimulating meditation on an aspect of St Philip’s life from the writings of St John Henry Newman.

On Saturdays and Sunday evenings the novena will be incorporated into Solemn Benediction following Exposition. The Novena continues each day up to and including Sunday 26 May. (A briefer form of the novena is observed after the weekday 8:30am Masses.) You are very warmly invited to join in our Novena!

(This edition with full text of the meditations)

Solemnity of St Philip Neri, Founder of the Oratory, 27 May

On Monday 27 May the Oratory celebrates her holy founder, the Apostle of Rome, St Philip Neri. Solemn Mass will be celebrated at 17:30, followed by celebratory refreshments in the parish hall. We are all warmly invited to this important occasion for the Oratorian Fathers, the Secular Oratory and whole parish community.